Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Social Media & Mobile Devices

As some of you may already know, I`m as bad as anyone when it comes to social media. Twitter, Facebook and Google+ as well now being my main outlet. Twitter is where I have mainly been in the last 2 year but increasingly more I like Google+. 

With so many things changing and social media being no exception, it has evolved in to something completely different to what we knew 2 years ago. Facebook seem to take on the role of dumping ground. Everything is on there and with some of the vile comments made it is not always a nice place to be. Twitter has become a voicing platform for everyone. The good thing is you know most of the time you tweet to a public audience so the comments are never as bad as Facebook. Google+ the new kid on the block at the moment is just great. The teenage generation don`t seem to like it and us slightly older teenagers can post away to our hearts are content. Plus I find the subject matter on G+ a lot more entertaining.

This brings me on to the second part of this post, Mobile Devices.
With my love of all things computer related I still struggle with the mobile devices or more to the point how there used. From the humble mobile with Wi-Fi connection, right through the android phone, iPhones and all the tablets that are out there. I have no problem with these devices but how they are used. Constant bleeping, piping, ringing sometimes drives me a little mad. Even the email notification drives me insane. I have no problem with this during the day, but when it starts to interact with your life to the degree that you have to have your device beside you even overnight well that starts to break down relationships etc. To be laid in bed in the early hours and hear a noise that wakes you, then watch while someone looks for a few minutes, reads an email or comments on a post, smiles and when you ask they say it was nothing, I don`t know why it did that. Well I`m sorry but even for me it is too much. My Laptop goes off over night or while I am sleeping.
These are only my thoughts on this matter and are aimed at no one in particular but I had to share them with you.

Colin h