Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Social Media & Mobile Devices

As some of you may already know, I`m as bad as anyone when it comes to social media. Twitter, Facebook and Google+ as well now being my main outlet. Twitter is where I have mainly been in the last 2 year but increasingly more I like Google+. 

With so many things changing and social media being no exception, it has evolved in to something completely different to what we knew 2 years ago. Facebook seem to take on the role of dumping ground. Everything is on there and with some of the vile comments made it is not always a nice place to be. Twitter has become a voicing platform for everyone. The good thing is you know most of the time you tweet to a public audience so the comments are never as bad as Facebook. Google+ the new kid on the block at the moment is just great. The teenage generation don`t seem to like it and us slightly older teenagers can post away to our hearts are content. Plus I find the subject matter on G+ a lot more entertaining.

This brings me on to the second part of this post, Mobile Devices.
With my love of all things computer related I still struggle with the mobile devices or more to the point how there used. From the humble mobile with Wi-Fi connection, right through the android phone, iPhones and all the tablets that are out there. I have no problem with these devices but how they are used. Constant bleeping, piping, ringing sometimes drives me a little mad. Even the email notification drives me insane. I have no problem with this during the day, but when it starts to interact with your life to the degree that you have to have your device beside you even overnight well that starts to break down relationships etc. To be laid in bed in the early hours and hear a noise that wakes you, then watch while someone looks for a few minutes, reads an email or comments on a post, smiles and when you ask they say it was nothing, I don`t know why it did that. Well I`m sorry but even for me it is too much. My Laptop goes off over night or while I am sleeping.
These are only my thoughts on this matter and are aimed at no one in particular but I had to share them with you.

Colin h

Saturday, April 30, 2011

1st Social Network Royal Wedding

After finally getting the day off from my reluctant boss, I said I was not going to watch the Royal Wedding. But as time was drawing on and my time line on Twitter had gone in to melt down. With tweets commenting and criticising, I could not stop myself switching on the TV. Yes I was away, watching and tweeting. This is what social network is made for, the whole of society getting involve in a way we have never seen before and wasn't it great.

It all started with the comments about Tara P T hat and I couldn't resist saying she looked like a rhino. From then on I didn't really need the sound on the TV, Twitter was all I needed.
I was watching all the small things that you think that no one else will spot, like Charlie walking into the Abbey, removing his gloves, wiping his nose and then shaking the first persons hand he meets. Within seconds there were tweets saying the same and how rude. This just goes to show that we are all looking for the perfect people not to be so perfect.

I have learnt one thing about this, don't tell anyone your getting married and if you do tell anyone don't invite the worlds press.
Bring on the next one. Haha


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

KDE 4.6.1 & Windows 7 Desktops

It is not really fair to compare the two desktops in the same way as the MS desktop is embedded into the OS, where as KDE runs as a program on top of the OS. But then saying that the end user only can see a functional desktop whichever they use. For years the basic desktop has run the same, a background with icons and a task bar. This has not really changed. KDE did start the KDE 4 project without a task bar, which could be broken down into many parts and placed on the screen anywhere. I don't believe this was to successful as the default desktop starts with a task bar again. Here is a quick run through the desktop and how similar they are becoming.

I have used the same wallpaper on these shots just so it makes it easier to see the differences. Both desktops have Gadgets/Plasmoids, both have similar icons and both have a task bar with the new look white icons in the system tray (see below).

One small difference I can tell you about is that MS defaults with a single desktop in which you can run multiple programs. On a KDE desktop it will run multiple desktops in which multiple programs can be run in each. Then it also has the ability to run multiple environments in the same login at the same time, which will also run multiple desktops etc.

Here are a few screen shots of both Windows 7 and KDE 4.6 running with the same programs on the screen.

Both desktops support all the fancy effects you come to expect from a modern system and at the end of the day it is down to the user which they prefer. This is slightly biased by larger companies only writing software for Windows and not always supporting other OS's such as Linux.

Colin H

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Physical Pain vs Mental Pain

As someone who has suffered with a bad back for more years than I want to remember, pain is something you would think I am use to by now. The problem with any pain is it hurts. One look at someone`s face and you ask “are you in pain?” But the face hides so much pain in one expression, how do you know that person is in physical pain?  I have now been married for 27 years and even the people that are around me still will say “is you`re back playing up again today?” All I can say is yep and turn away. That in turn has answered the question and nothing more is said. Now although from an outside view the pain is caused by my back, 50% of the time the pain is mental. I have been worn down by weeks of physical pain and a complete lack of sleep. This in turn brings on stress, frustration and then mental pain. In some ways it hurts just as much as physical pain, but you can`t show anyone it or really take anything for it without looking as if you`re having a breakdown.

2010 was a very strange year for me as I lost a very good friend who would help me out whenever I was really suffering with my back, even though she was suffering from spinal cancer. I then gained a friend I had never met before 2010 but we just got on like a house on fire. This caused a bit of a stir at the time in the work place as some people in the office could not see how a man and woman could have such a great friendship without having a relationship. The other thing is that my wife works in the same office and she was fine with it. Some people are just so old fashion. J

Early in 2011 my now best mate had to move on due to finding a new job and could not miss out on the opportunity of increased her pay and working a lot nearer to home. When you have such a close friendship as that it does knock you back when they say they have now got to move on. Again this causes pain, maybe not a physical pain or not really a mental pain but a pain that can hurt. Before you all say, “well we have phones, skype and emails” it is not the same as sitting down and having a good chat over a cup of tea. Call me old fashion in that way. J

So to sum up, when you see someone in pain don`t just jump in and say “what have you hurt” and “give it a week or so and you won`t know you`ve done it” as sometime that not going to help in the slightest and on occasions make it worse.  Pain is such a strange emotion and can be caused through so many things, injury, stress, frustration and many other things. Oh and don`t forget love and relationships.
I have had my fair share of pain in so many ways, as I`m sure most of you have.
I am in pain at present but you can`t tell what is causing it! The only person who may be able to tell you what was causing it is/was the closest to you (partner or friend).
