Saturday, April 30, 2011

1st Social Network Royal Wedding

After finally getting the day off from my reluctant boss, I said I was not going to watch the Royal Wedding. But as time was drawing on and my time line on Twitter had gone in to melt down. With tweets commenting and criticising, I could not stop myself switching on the TV. Yes I was away, watching and tweeting. This is what social network is made for, the whole of society getting involve in a way we have never seen before and wasn't it great.

It all started with the comments about Tara P T hat and I couldn't resist saying she looked like a rhino. From then on I didn't really need the sound on the TV, Twitter was all I needed.
I was watching all the small things that you think that no one else will spot, like Charlie walking into the Abbey, removing his gloves, wiping his nose and then shaking the first persons hand he meets. Within seconds there were tweets saying the same and how rude. This just goes to show that we are all looking for the perfect people not to be so perfect.

I have learnt one thing about this, don't tell anyone your getting married and if you do tell anyone don't invite the worlds press.
Bring on the next one. Haha


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